The joyful birth of this photo-blog is strongly connected to the fact that I was finally able to buy a new camera to play with! (as the previous one was stolen - most probably by a band of rogue photographers, who lack the funds to buy cameras for themselves, so they resort to petty crime as a way to quench their fiendish thirst for creating art)
The new baby had to be tested out in the frontline obviously, and quickly! Luckily it was the time of the Carnival festivities, so my girlfriend and I (who's also a photographer - a lot better one than I'll ever be, but she's cool enough to teach me stuff), decided to visit the place which is to be visited during that time of the year - Venice!
Venice is undoubtedly one of the most unique and breathtaking cities on earth - during carnival even more so. Having been last year in the other place really famous for its carnival - Brazil - I could instantly make a brief comparison between the two: If the Brazilian carnaval is like being in the middle of a full-scale supernova that consists of astronomical quantities of music, sun, caipirinha and bare skin, then the one in Venice is more like the world's finest, most intricate connoisseur cupcake made by some rather decadent angels. The experience is quite different. I could write pages of what I've seen, thought and felt, but hey - this is a photo-blog, so let the pictures do the talking!
Congtaulation dear, im very happy, u started again your art life..